There are 3 builds available. Personally, I prefer the "Slim" version.
1. Standard Build also includes the Yahoo Toolbar but that can be UNcheckmarked during the installation if you so desire.
2. Portable does NOT include the Installer
3. Slim also does NOT include the Toolbar.
Suggested Settings For CCleaner
Options > Advanced >
- UNcheck "Only delete files in Windows Temp folder older than 48 hours".
- Check "Show prompt to back up Registry entries".

Options > Cookies
To retain logon cookies, review the cookies in the "Cookies to Delete" column on the left. Select any you wish to keep and click the arrow pointing to the right to add to the "Cookies to Keep" column.

Cleaner > Windows Tab
The settings shown below are based on my choices. In the event assistance is needed, I do not recommend using the Advanced section (not shown) nor checking the following:
- Windows Log Files
- Windows Error Reporting

Cleaner > Applications Tab
This is an example of a recent setting.

It is not recommended that you preform this step unless you are having problems after uninstalling a program or it is recommended at a reputable help site. Generally, registry cleaners have caused more problems than they have repaired.
The settings I have checked below should be sufficient to remove a bad uninstall. I do not recommend checking "Missing Shared DLLs" or "Unused File Extensions". They may not be used by a currently installed software but you may run into problems with a future program you attempt to run.
It is very important to back up the registry. Even though CCleaner has a registry backup, I would also suggest a manual backup. See this article on backing up the registry: Windows XP and Windows Server 2003.